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Six reasons to use a recruitment agency for your next hire!

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

The very words’ Recruitment Agency’ are known to spark quite the reaction amongst businesses and hiring managers! Often misunderstood due to one or two bad experiences, we’re here to tell you why you shouldn’t tarnish all recruitment agencies with the same brush. If you’re looking for a qualified and experienced candidate to fill your next vacancy, a recruitment agency can elevate your opportunities, tenfold.

Keep reading for six top reasons for trusting in a recruitment agency for your next hire!

1. Identify the Right Talent

Compared to in-house recruiters, agency recruiters have established contacts within various different industries and sectors, which leads to a more thorough understanding of trends and potential candidates.

Add this level of expertise to the fact that the best job-seekers in the market use recruitment agencies, then you're on to a winner! Generally, most professionals who are searching for a new role register with recruitment agencies because they trust in the collective guidance that recruiters can provide.

External agencies are experts at searching the talent pool for specific CVs that will meet your requirements, but they also know exactly what it takes to produce a high-ranking job advert. So, whatever stage of recruitment your business is at, an agency has each step covered!

2. Save Valuable Time

Time is money as they say, and using an external recruitment agency will instantly reduce the time-consuming tasks of recruitment and will ensure that you only spend time viewing the CVs that tick every single box.

You might not know that recruitment agencies can also schedule and arrange interviews for you too, so all you’ll have to do is turn up and prepare to be amazed by the talent they have sourced! Following the interview phase, your recruiter will deal with all subsequent communications, such as organising further interviews, having conversations with unsuccessful candidates, and getting all the information on relevant work experience.

Think of what you could be doing with all of this free time now that an external agency is handling this! Workplace productivity will be maintained at usual levels of expectance, plus there will be a quicker turnaround in filling vacancies thanks to this expertise at your fingertips.

3. Advertising, but Doing it Right

Ever released a job advert into the world only to receive very little in the way of applications? Maybe the CVs that are finding their way into your inbox just aren't hitting the spot. Chances are, you're looking in all the wrong places and attracting the wrong kind of candidate!

The first thing that job seekers look at are job titles. If your vacancy listing is wordy, or complicated in its job title, you probably won’t receive good traction. Equally, the job description may not be worded to excite the right kind of crowd, resulting in fewer great candidates or an influx of candidates who won’t be suitable for the role.

In these situations, the best thing to do is reach out to an external recruitment agency. You can count on these professionals and all their years of experience to be transparent about both the advantages and flaws of your vacancy listing, and help finetune the words so you get it right.

Say goodbye to recruitment woes and hello to success, as recruitment agencies can craft the perfect job description and create targeted job adverts to attract the right audience. Searching for the right candidate will soon be an effortless breeze!

4. Salary Negotiations

After a long recruitment process and many interviews, you have finally found the right candidate. The last thing you want to do is fall at the final hurdle when it comes to salary expectations!

A recruitment agency can sit down with you and discuss salaries against other businesses in your sector, determining what the benchmark should be when advertising specific roles. That way, when both parties are on the same page regarding salary expectations, chances are significantly improved for a successful and mutually beneficial hire!

5. Short-term Cost Savings

Probably the most important and attractive reason to use an external recruitment agency is the savings you will inevitably make in business costs!

By handing over the recruitment process to an agency, you are freeing up so much time and money that you would otherwise not have. For example, the elimination of additional overtime cost, the impact on in-house staff, thus increased productivity. You'll save money on job board postings and will reduce your likelihood of interviewing and hiring a candidate who is unlikely to be the right fit for your business.

6. Long-term Cost Savings

The short-term savings are probably the most obvious, however there are multiple long-term savings & benefits that you should think about too. By finding a great candidate in the first instance, you could save significant amounts in future training costs. An experienced and reputable recruitment agency will be proficient in sourcing candidates who can confidently demonstrate the skills you require.

Future hiring costs are also minimized, once you establish a healthy and trusting relationship with a recruitment agency, they'll take time to know the more complex details of your business. This means they’ll not only be able to source the talent you need both now, and for the future – but they will know exactly where to market your vacancies.

If you're revising your talent pipeline right now, or on the lookout for fresh new talent, perhaps this has inspired you to pick up the phone and enlist the professional support of an established recruitment firm.

If you ever need any recruitment advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Work Wales. We’re more than happy to help, and wish you all the best in your recruitment endeavors.


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